Privacy Policy

The 15 Number Slide mobile app (“the app”) uses third party tools including:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is used to measure and optimize user acquisition and engagement with mobile apps. Google Analytics enables the app to:

Google Analytics ultimately enables the developer to continually improve the experience for all users.

Google Analytics automatically collects certain data and offers optional features that determine which additional types of data are collected and how they are used.

Google AdMob

Google AdMob is a mobile advertising platform that you can use to generate revenue. It allows the app to show ads from Google advertisers in real time through the AdMob platform to simplify ad operations. It includes banner, native and video ads which create a positive user experience by matching the look and feel of the app.

To improve the performance of AdMob, certain information may be collected, including:

For more information on how Google handles user data from the app, visit their page on Privacy.